Blessed Mother’s Day!

Blessed Day of the Mother

Peace be upon the Mother
Peace be upon all the mothers
And peace be upon their families and offspring
Peace be upon their homes, their fields and their paths
Peace be upon those who are unsafe
Peace be upon the mothers who are violated
Peace be upon the mothers who are oppressed
Peace be upon those who are overlooked
Peace be upon those who bear patiently
Peace be upon those who do not fit into worldly forms
Peace be upon those who dissolve barriers of convention
Peace be upon the birth givers of the new
Peace be upon the wombs and the secrets they contain
Peace be upon the wombs pregnant with compassion and wisdom
Peace be upon those who feed the hungry
Peace be upon those who give shelter
Peace be upon those who guide to the Home of Peace
Peace be upon the Mother of the Book
Peace be upon the Mother of Cities
Peace be upon the Ummat, the mother-lode of humanity
Peace be upon those who weep
Peace be upon those who love
Peace be upon the human heart which is the womb of Rahman
May the Divine Feminine Radiance emerge from the heart-womb of the Mother
And peace upon the mothers who feel they failed
May their hearts be soothed

Ya Nur Muhammadi sallallahu aleyhi wa sellim

Bismillahirahmanirahim Peace to your hearts beloved Guides and Lovers, This great day dawns, the birth day of the Nur Muhammad in human form as the Messenger of Mercy and the Prophet of Love to all…

Ya Imam Huseyn and the Martyrs of Karbala, Ya Ashura!

Bismillahirahmanirahim Beloveds on the Path of Love Peace to your hearts on this day of Karbala and this day of Ashura when the Prophets, the Mothers and their Communities received the abounding Grace of Allah….

Ya Imam Huseyn!

Bismillahirahmanirahim Peace to your hearts and blessed New Year to each of You We are now in the first ten days of Muharram, the first month of the new year in the Koranic calendar. These…

Blessed Hajj!

O Hajj. What will explain the Hajj? In truth our life is the Hajj. Our striving, our struggles and our pain are the roads to the Kaaba. Our calling out to the Merciful One is…

Our Prayers

Bismillahirahmanirahim Beloved Community, Our prayers in these last days of Ramadan are very powerful through the Grace of the Beloved. Please let us pray for the Palestinians and the Israelis, all of them. It is…

Meditation for last days of the Ramadan

BISMILLAHIRAHMANIRAHIM Peace to your beautiful hearts O beloveds, hearts made even more shining through the gentle power of this glorious month of Ramadan. We have mentioned that the latter days of Ramadan are wonderful times…

Blessed Mothers Day!

In the All Embracing and Sustaining Holy Womb of Love HAPPY MOTHERS DAY BELOVED COMMUNITY Bless your mother hearts! Bless your loving care and acts of loving kindness Bless your joy Bless your sadness Bless…

Final Ten Days

Bismillahirahmanirahim Beloved Community Peace to your hearts, bodies, minds and souls. Beginning with sunset last night we have entered the last ten days of the glorious Ramadan. May we feel gratitude flowing in every cell…