Isra and Miraj practices

Bismillahirahmanirahim Beloved Community Blessed Isra and Miraj I am quickly sending you a Nafl practice which is not required but is beneficial for this day preceding the night of Miraj. This prayer is offered between…

Miraj Night

In the Name of Allah’s All Powerful Love that Lifts Us into Intimate Nearness Miraj The words of exalted love ring in Archangel Gabriel’s ear, “O Gabriel, do you know what night this is?” With…

Isra and Miraj

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Beloved Shaykha Amina, Murshids, Circle Guides and Dervishes, Blessed Night Journey and Ascension to each of you! May our community and the lovers of God be accepted into the ‘closer than two bow lengths…

Miraj Night

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim And tonight we leave the earth, blessed mother earth. To travel to the Source of Love, the Source of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, the Source of Goodness, the Source of everything in the 18,000 Universes, the Source…


In Allah’s infinite Mercy and outpouring Love Beloveds, May we all realize that we are living in Allah’s infinite Mercy and outpouring Love. As the beloved Hafez cries, the subject tonight is love. What but…

Come to the Night of Miraj

In Allah’s All-Embracing Love Come lovers come to the journey of love, let us return through the heart of our heart, the core and essence of our being, to the Source of love and Cherisher…

Salawat for Miraj

SALAWAT FOR MIRAJ Heartfelt greetings and peace to you O Tender-hearted Beloved of Allah! Heartfelt greetings and peace to you O One invited to make the great journey of ascent into the essence and the…