BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM She spreads her mantle of Rahim over the earth. She sends her love to each of you. Chanting on the Way, La ilahe ilallah Muhammad Rahmanallah, La ilahe ilallah Maryam Rahimallah Together in the…
BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM The sign written on his magnificent heart is Love, Rahman. Love to Allah, Love to the Beloved of Allah, Love to Humanity and to all Creatures. He is the powerful and gentle, the exalted…
Flowing on… Effendi taught that we should have such respect and care for nature and all its creatures that we should not even shake snow from a tree, unless it is harmful for it. We…
In the Overflowing Compassion and Love of Allah Dearest Companions Happy Birthday Muzffer Effendi Ashki Aziz al Jerrahi, the sultan of love! May his spirit be victorious over the forces of negation and separation, in…
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim What is the birth of a great saint? It is a gift from God, the renewal of the original Covenant, a rainbow of divine possibilities, a blessing to people and to the earth and…