Peace to your hearts blessed ones! I would like to share these words on the NIght of Power from our beloved Effendi and Nur, may they both be embraced in the ecstasy of the Night…
In the Heart of Allah’s Love Dearest Companions on the path of love, May Allah’s peace embrace you on this ninth day of Ramadan. I would like to emphasize that reading the Heart of the…
In the Overflowing Compassion of the Source of Being calling Itself Allah Peace to your hearts dearest dervishes, dearest faithful ones, dearest seekers of Divine Pleasure and Nearness in this month of Ramadan, dearest companions…
In the Name of Allah, All Embracing Compassion and Love Beloved dervishes, Peace to your hearts on this glorious day of Shaykh Nur’s passing into the realm of Beauty! Ali and I have just returned…
In Allah’s Infinite Mercy and Love Labayk Allahume labbayk! I have come O Allah I have come to you! Beloveds, peace be upon you and upon all those with you on this great day of…