
In Allah’s Boundless Compassion and Love Peace to your hearts dear companions and travelers in the Ramadan. The more one swims in the ocean of Koran the vaster the ocean becomes. The Koran has been…

A Few Raindrops

In Allah’s Overflowing Love Peace to your hearts dear A few raindrops… The fast in Ramadan brings us to the place where we realize we do not know we must come to this place to…

Quranic Ayats

In Allah’s Overflowing Bounty of Love Cherished Companions, Greetings and congratulations on your sixth day of honoring the best of months! Today we are going back to some earlier Ayats from Surah Baqara which speak…

Happy Birthday Pir Nureddin!

In Allah’s Infinite Mercy and Love Blessed Ones! Blessed Shaykha Amina al Jerrahi and blessed Circle Guides al Jerrahi and blessed Dervishes al Jerrahi! Happy Birthday to our Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, Head of the Parliament…