Happy Birthday Pir Nureddin!
In Allah’s Infinite Mercy and Love
Blessed Ones! Blessed Shaykha Amina al Jerrahi and blessed Circle Guides al Jerrahi and blessed Dervishes al Jerrahi!
Happy Birthday to our Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, Head of the Parliament of Saints as Nur called him!
May we, and all the veils and climates of love that come with each of us, be his birthday gifts!
May our love for him and his love for us ever increase!
May he continue transmitting the light to our hearts from his exalted station of nearness!
May we become more and more like him and his beautiful holy mother Amina Taslima… and more like Muzaffer Effendi and Nur al Anwar who are the embodiments of his heart in our time!
May all his prayers be answered and his heart’s desires fulfilled!
May he be ever closer and closer to the Beloved and to the beloved of the Beloved and to all beloveds!
May his Tariqat carry the key to peace for humanity!
He said that his dervishes were not only grapes on the vine, but they were the grapes pressed by the Hand of Love into the wine of love!
May we be that wine for each other and for the world!
May all creation be singing his praises today!
Let us offer his Wird and his Usul and sing his ilahis.
One of his many servants insha’allah,
Fariha Fatima al Jerrahi