From a Mother to the Fathers


Blessed Father’s Day!  One day later.

O Fathers we are so grateful for your existence.

You are part of us and we are part of you.

May you support the Divine secret within us and may we support the Divine secret within you.

May we, the Mothers and the Fathers, grow like two vines entangled in the heart of the heart of the Beloved.

May we produce fruits of beauty, harmony and wisdom together.

May these fruits feed our children so that they grow joyful and strong, generous and courageous, self-knowing and selfless; so that they know with certainty they are loved by Allah and join the new humanity of Allah’s lovers.

O Fathers, bearers of seed, spread the seeds of your thoughts and your tongue and your actions carefully, with prayer and tenderness.

Reflect before you act. Use the intellect that has been given to you to make wise decisions. Contemplate. Pray. Seek counsel with the Mothers.

O Fathers, protect the weak and have compassion for the poor. Bend down to those who are neglected. You are the Fathers, uplifters and supporters of humanity.

Every day pray for your partner and your children. Every day ask Allah to bless and protect your children.

Work so that you may support your families and have enough to give to others. But do not work so much that your family is neglected and your prayers and praises put aside. Find balance.

O Fathers do not waste your time. Engage in what benefits your soul, your families and others.

Strive for new knowledge, like Moses who sought out the fire on the mountain for his family and found Allah, and like Khidr who searched for water for his companions and found the water of eternal life.

Learn so that you will have something to give.

O Fathers, be peacemakers on earth.

Seek harmony.

Collaborate rather than compete.

Walk on the way of contentment and humbleness.

Spread prayers and zikr.

O Fathers you are amazing and beloved. Keep your spirits high even in the face of adversity.

From a Mother


Peace to your hearts dear Fathers.

One more note for you.

Your Way at this time is to follow the inner guidance that pours through the Mothers and then to exert all your strength and courage and intelligence in supporting the feminine divine wisdom and bringing your own wisdom to merge with this one. And it is also to use your courage and intelligence to defend the voice of the woman and the station of the woman against reprisal and oppression.

Through the dynamic and mystic mutuality of our hearts and qualities we may mature into true human beings.

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