Love to the Messenger of Allah, Salallahu aleyhi wa sellim
In the Name of the All Loving and Forgiving
Beloved Companions of the Way of Love,
As we dive into the ocean of Koran throughout these days and nights of the Ramadan our hearts are strengthened with the power of its divine love, our souls are awed by its promise and its threat, and our consciousness is clarified by its wisdom…
The exemplary stories repeating throughout the Book are accounts of the coming of the Messengers of God to their communities and their rejection at the hands of a powerful ruling group within that community. Through the medium of a messenger the Only Reality, All Compassionate, All Loving, announces Its Presence to human beings living on the earth and calls them to turn back to their Source, All Compassionate, All Loving. Each Messenger is guided by the Source to bring the fundamental truth of La ilahe ilallah to their people and to demonstrate the holy way of life to them, inspiring them to live with reverence to their Source and with love and justice toward each other and toward all beings sharing the earth. Happiness, salvation and fulfillment are offered to those who open themselves to the truth and follow the Messenger. Estrangement, pain and devastation come from denying or ignoring the truth brought by the Messenger - for doing so means to deny the fundamental truth of life and to turn away from one’s own true self. Yet, despite this clear message, or maybe because of it, the powerful people of the society turn away and reject their Messengers, ridiculing them, ostracizing them and in some cases killing them and their followers…all except for the people of Jonah, the people of Ninevah.
The universal pattern repeats itself with the coming of the Messenger Muhammad, may he be showered in the supreme peace of mystic union. He was sent as a ‘mercy to all beings’, as a ‘lamp in the darkness’, as a friend of humanity, as a perfect model for the holy way of life immersed in Allah, and as one who confirms the truth of all the past Messengers and therefore one whose message can bring harmony and peace to all the communities of revelation. Yet, despite the majestic truth and beauty of the message embodied in Koran, despite the gentleness and kindness of the Prophet’s character and the truthfulness of his soul, despite his ceaseless quest for the safety of their souls, the powerful ones among the Quraysh rejected him and the truth he brought. And his community, like the communities of past messengers, established itself primarily among the poor, the slaves, and the women.
And now, hardly a blink later, we have appeared in the great cosmic drama on earth within the living Book of Allah. We are incalculably blessed to have been included as part of the community of this most noble human being. We have been intimately called by Shaykh Muzaffer, ra and Shaykh Nur, ra, to be part of his community. We have become bewildered by his love emanating from their hearts and we have been illumined by his knowledge in their words. We became his followers without even knowing it, just by following the love and beauty we saw in them. And now we are consciously part of him and his universal community of Messengers, of Prophets, of Mothers of the Faithful, of Siddiqs, of the sincere, of the lovers, the longing, of the disenfranchised, of the poor, of the rejected.
“Ah what a beautiful companionship…”
All who obey Allah and the messenger are in the company of those on whom is the Grace of Allah - the Prophets, the Truthful, the Witnesses and the doers of Good… Ah! what a beautiful companionship! 4:69
Verily, this Ummat of yours is a single Ummat, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore love and adore Me. 21:92
Alhamdulillah we are among those who love him, who revere him, who follow him, who send salawats of love to his soul and to the souls of his blessed wives, his noble family and progeny, his exalted companions and his beautiful Ummat. We are among those who become intoxicated with his rose fragrance, the fragrance of nearness to the Beloved. We are among those who lower their voices when they feel his presence near. We are among those who long to follow his sunnah the best we can, by loving and revering all the Prophets and Mothers, and loving and caring for humanity and the family of beings, the family of Allah. We offer our souls to the Prophet so that we may become illumined and refined and emptied of our selves and filled with the beautiful qualities of Allah. We are purified in the vat of his love.
Help us and lift us up
Unveil awaken us
Refine illumine us O Habiballah
Help us and lift us up
Exalt and empty us
Absorb and consume us O Habiballah
Nur al Jerrahi (Illahi 91)
Inshallah by keeping intimate company with each other we are keeping intimate company with Rasulallah!
Fariha al Jerrahi