Keeping Vigil Tonight, Fasting Tomorrow
In Allah's infinite Mercy and Love
Tonight let us devote part of it in prayer and zikr for the sake of Imam Huseyn and the martyrs of Karbala. We can offer the wird and La ilahe ilallah and Salawats. For those of you who have Imam Huseyn's prayer on the Day of Arafat you may read that. May our hearts be joined to his heart.
Ya Imam Huseyn, may all the blessings of the Beloved shower upon you during this night and tomorrow on the day of Ashura, the day of your martyrdom. And may all human beings and subtle beings be forgiven for your sake. And may we be counted as part of your community.
“O my companions, relatives, friends and fellow members of the Prophet’s household! You see the state of affairs we have reached. The world has changed and turned its face from us. Its goodness has retreated and very evil days lie before us. You must surely see that the truth is no longer put into practice. Falsehood is by no means at an end. Let those who are believers desire to meet Allah. For me there is no doubt that death is a blessing. I count it a crime to live in the company of tyrants."