Divine Names Retreat: Standing Naked Before Your Divinity
Forgiveness removes the veils between one’s self and one’s Beloved
The veils which have covered our heart,
The gross structures of self-protection and aggrandizement that we build to make us feel validated and secure, and the subtle identities that we cling to for protection and self-validation
These are the veils which cover our heart and separate our consciousness from Living Love
When we ask for forgiveness from Allah, Ar Rahman, the All Powerful Lover we are asking that these structures and identities be removed
We no longer want to cling to them,
We no longer want to cling to a separate self that we have built over our lifetime,
We desire to cling only to the Beloved.
When we ask for forgiveness we want to let these all go in order to stand ‘naked before Your Divinity’
We stand naked in the awesome power of love, the heart melting tenderness of love
We are naked of all power, no longer the agents and doers
Allah is the single Agent and Actor
We have disappeared in the Heart
Asking forgiveness is pure submission…
to love