Divine Name Retreat: Ya Ghaffar (More)
Peace to your hearts Companions of the Divine Names Retreat.
I omitted to suggest in my last letter that we sit with the Name Ya Ghaffar and let it sink into our being. Let it wash us completely.
One of our dervishes in the New York Community had a powerful experience of Ya Ghaffar during the rekats on the Night of Forgiveness. At some point in the salat they cried out 'Only You my Lord know what true forgiveness is!" and then felt washed in light and fell to their knees. Mashallah!
We can recite 33 Ya Ghaffar every day for this week.
One of the shortest prayers of the Prophet may he be showered in loving peace, asking for forgiveness is:
You are the Forgiver and You love to forgive. Forgive me!
Let us recite this too during this week at least once a day.
Of course, prayers are not just words. They are a fire from the heart. And it is this fire that reaches the Throne of the All Merciful.
And the Throne trembles in response. Muzaffer Effendi reports in Unveiling of Love that whenever we recite La ilahe ilallah Muhammad Rasulallah, the Throne of Allah begins to tremble and does not cease trembling until we stop. I feel that it is the same whenever our heart is truly praying.
In prayer asking for forgiveness together
Fariha Nur