The Tenth of Muharram
Peace to your hearts blessed Dervish companions,
This is such a holy day.
This is a day of redemption for humanity.
This is a day when the communities of faith under the guidance of their Prophets are victorious.
It is good to recall a little of the bounty of this day.
It increases our faith to relate how Adam and Eve were retrieved from their period of suffering and invited back into the embrace of their Cherisher. They had undergone the sorrow of love and longing and regret – they had themselves asked to taste and know love while in the garden – and on this day they were united with their Beloved in mystical marriage, a form of love they had not known before. This was the beginning on earth of the path of Love.
On this day Noah and the people of the Ark landed on Mount Judi, illumined with the divine sign of the rainbow, fulfilling the promise given to them. They disembarked and made the first Ashura feast out of their provisions, which had been reduced to the bottom of their barrels. Since that holy feast a group of the faithful has celebrated Allah’s generosity and saving Grace by joining together on this day and gratefully consuming the grains and seeds and fruits of the earth. In pre-eternity these grains first emerged from the mystical body of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu aleyhi wa salam.
On this day the Prophet Abraham, aleyhi salam, was saved in the fire of Nimrod when his Lord said to the fire, “O fire, become cool for my friend Abraham. Become a garden of paradise for him.” From that day forward the community of the faithful can find peace in the fire of their tribulations.
This is the day Moses and his community, peace be upon them, crossed safely through the Red Sea by command of their Cherisher Who parted the water for them, allowing them to escape from the tribulation of Pharoah. From that day on the community of the faithful have the certainty that they will be saved from oppression and injustice.
This is the day Jesus, aleyhi salam, was elevated to the fourth heaven, from which he will one day descend by command of his Cherisher to guide humanity with the wisdom and justice and compassion embodied in all of the Prophets and completed and illumined by the Way of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and upon humanity.
That day there will be no more arguments between the religions and between the nations.
This day of Ashura is the day that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, rejected and threatened by his own relatives, the rulers of Mecca, entered Medina, the city of peace.
From this day forward the people of heart knew that they could establish the way of love and a community of love embedded in the fabric of the earth, woven into the daily life of the world. This is the planting of the seed of Sufism in the world. This is the beginning of the way of living in the world and joining together with humanity, disguised in the colors of the world, but not being of the world.
Today, the tenth day of Muharram, is the day of the tragedy of Karbala and the victory of Imam Huseyn and his holy Family and blessed Companions. May they be blessed and cherished and followed forever by the lovers of Allah!
This is the day of the tragedy of Karbala and the victory of truth.
This is the day that sealed the victory of Islam, the way of living in peace with creation and in annihilation in Allah.
May we follow this Way. May we follow the Way of Imam Huseyn, peace by upon him and his family and followers.
May we be counted among those who love him and who are called by divine Grace to be close to him.
May we be among those who wipe away the tears of Hazreti Fatima, his exalted Mother, by remembering Imam Huseyn and honoring him in our heart and in our actions.
May we wipe away the tears of Mother Fatima, aleyhi salam, by helping those in need, consoling the sad ones, offering hope to the desperate ones, feeding the hungry and giving drink to the thirsty – in the spiritual and in the earthly levels.
May we be among those who follow the Prophets and Mothers and kiss their holy feet, peace be upon them all.
May we be among those who establish their Sunnah. May we be among those who establish the Sunnah of the beloved of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa salam.
May we be among those who call humanity to love, the ultimate truth.
Together in the holy love of Imam Huseyn and the Martyrs of Karbala.
Together in the holy way of Imam Huseyn demonstrated and lived by our great Pirs and Shaykhs, Pir Nureddin Jerrahi, Mother Amina Taslima al Jerrahi, Muzaffer Ashki Aziz al Jerrahi, Nur al Anwar al Malik al Jerrahi, and all the Shaykhs of our lineage.
May we offer our lives in gratitude to their lives of holy sacrifice and holy love.
Tonight please transform your meal into an Ashura meal by offering a Fatiha to the souls of Imam Huseyn and the martyrs of Karbala and to the souls of all the Prophets and Mothers and Communities and to all those suffering in this earth and all those redeemed in this earth. Dedicate your meal to humanity.