Thank you Thank you Thank you
Beloved dervishes,
After sending you the first letter this morning it came to my heart that we can increase our gratitude to Allah by offering sincere gratitude to particular beings.
We can implement our life of gratitude by inwardly thanking every person in our life who has helped us, even those whose impact may not have been pleasant but who brought us a teaching. First of all, our parents to whom we owe immeasurable gratitude as the sacred vessels of our life. For them we should actually offer a Fatiha every day. And then our grandparents and ancestors. We bow to them inwardly and ask Allah to bless them. We should also offer a Fatiha every day for our guides and spiritual lineage. We can continue by thanking our companions and friends. Then, all the creatures, animals, plants, water and air who have been our companions and nourished us in our life. We can give great thanks to Mother Nature herself, the Creation, who supports the life of all beings. We can thank all the people we do not know but who have participated in our life indirectly, those who grew and transported the food, those who built the homes we live in, those who work in countless ways to build the structures of communication and transportation we rely upon. We will see that there is actually no being and no person we should not give thanks to, for everything is part of a seamless whole. Thank you to Earth, thank you to Sky, thank you to Wind, Water, Clouds and Rain. Thank you to Trees and Herbs. Thank you to Fire who cooks our food and keeps us warm. Thank you to Sun and Moon and Stars. Thank you to Angels who help to guide and protect us, and who bring us revelation. Thank you to all subtle beings who play their role in life. Thank you Thank you Thank you