Happy Father’s Day!
Dear Fathers,
May Allah the Generous and Loving bless you immensely and bless your wives and your children and your offspring.
May the best doors open for you, may your prayers of goodness be answered, may your Razzaq be made easier so that you have more time for your family and companions and more time for Allah and for your own delight, may your gratitude blossom, may you be balanced in the Jamal and the Jalal, may you honor the feminine wisdom and may wisdom flow through you, may you stand for justice and protect those who are transgressed against, may you not be afraid of earthly enemies but may you be in awe of Allah, may you help to restore the delicate web of life on earth, may you prefer to build beautiful structures of love rather than systems of power, may you live through your heart. May you be kind and joyful with your wives and your children and not overbearing. May you never become obsessed or blind to the Reality in front of you. May you become Pens in the Hand of the Merciful. May you become true human beings.