Mevlana’s Counsel
Peace to you hearts beloved Circle Guides and Dervishes,
Here is some wisdom from Mevlana that can steady us by pointing to the beautiful true purpose of our lives in the midst of afflictions. Whoever wins the Presidency will not change this truth.
One day, Mevlana was speaking and became passionate as he shared divine insights coming to his heart:
“Woe to the one who has known us and woe to the one who has not known us, the one who has not perceived that the goal of creation is to know their Creator.
I have created subtle beings and human beings only for them to adore Me and know Me as their Cherisher and Lover. (51:56)
“Unfortunate is the one who has not known God and missed the opportunity, and unfortunate is the one who has known God but has not honored His Majesty and has not been grateful for His favors.
Mevlana then recited a couplet:
Many a beloved remains unknown
By unfortunate ones ignorant of Love.”
Our task as dervishes is to know our Beloved in awe and gratitude, and to help others reach this station.
Then we can be true servants of Rahman who feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty and clothe the naked. These most exalted actions can be offered in whatever state the world is in.
Yet…may the best and most capable candidates who have the interest of humanity in their hearts win the positions which allow them to serve.
May the new humanity blossom!
Blessed Day of the Beloved
May we adorn it with our love and gratitude and faith.
Fariha Fatima
This counsel is from Manaqib al Arifin, by Aflaki, translated and selected by Camille Helminski as Rumi and His Friends.