Happy Birthday Mevlana!
In Allah’s Bountiful Astounding Mercy and Love
Beloved Shaykha Amina, Circle Guides, Dervishes,
Happy Birthday to Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and to each of you and to all of his lovers and beloveds.
My favorite poem of Rumi is the life which keeps pouring from the breast of the Beloved and the form which this magnificent life takes in each of you and in the entirety of this ecstatic and bewildering creation.
May this song of divine love continue forever!
Sing to each other, as brother Khabir said in the dream. Sing the song of love and tenderness and weeping and joy!
For we are of Allah and we return to Allah moment by bewildering moment.
Ya Mevlana! Ya Shams! Ya Nureddin Jerrahi! Ya Amina Taslima! Ya Ashki Aziz! Ya Nur al Anwar! Ya Maryam! Ya Fatima! Ya Rabia!
Ya Insan!
Ya Hayy! Ya Haqq! Ya Hu!