Blessed Easter, Passover, and Days before Ramadan!

In Allah’s All Consuming Love

Peace to your hearts beloved Shaykha Amina, Murshids, Circle Guides and Community of Dervishes,

Blessed Easter, blessed Passover, blessed days leading to the Ramadan! And blessed holy events in all sacred Ways!

May the days of unveiling dawn and may the gathering of the people of Truth take place. May the Truth within all hearts be revealed as One. May the knowledge within all the religions be joyously shared with each other as the cups of water, wine, milk and honey are shared in Paradise. May people’s love of God and humanity increase in these days, and may people’s love of worldliness pass away.

By the Grace of the All Merciful we are blessed to be part of a growing community of faithful ones from every sacred Path who can honor the Resurrection of Jesus, aleyhi salam, and the compassion of Maryam, peace be upon her, the trials and victory of Moses and his people, aleyhi salam, and the descent of the Generous Koran into the heart of Muhammad, salallahu aleyhi wa sellim. And we love and honor the Messengers and holy events in all of the sacred Paths of Allah.

We have been given the key of La ilahe ilallah which opens every door and every heart. According to Muzaffer Effendi, ra, La ilahe ilallah is the essence of all holy books of revelation. It is the essential teaching of all those sent to call humanity. It is the essence of the Beloved’s communication to us in every sacred Path.

I Am. I alone Am. La ilahe ila Ana. Turn to Me. Pray to Me. Ask from Me. Return to Me. Be grateful to Me. Disappear in Me. Reappear through Me. Love Me with your entire being. Love me in your heart, in your self, in your mind. Love Me in in your self and in the heart of my humanity where I abide. Love Me in My creation where I manifest. Love Me with every breath and in every blink of your eye.

But you will fail to love Me as I love you. You will forget your true self and forget Me. You will be distracted by the world and your own affairs. Your heart will be veiled from Me. You will wander in forgetfulness. And then through My love to you and My promise to you I will turn to you and send you distress so that you remember Me. You will remember your Creator and your Refuge and you will ask for My forgiveness and I will forgive you. And you will dwell with Me forever.

Please dervishes, let us together take the opportunity of this time when the concerns of worldliness have been distanced. We are in a worldwide halvet and the energy of the earth has shifted toward the spirit. This does not imply that we are indifferent to the sufferings of others. On the contrary we are much more aware of others. We feel our unity even as our physicality is reduced. We are being shown that Spirit is the master over matter. We are being shown our true nature and our purpose in being. Love is revealing herself as the Essence of being. Love as the Queen of Creation.  This is a Ramadan before the Ramadan… fasting from the world, turning to Allah, going into our heart, seeking our Beloved, asking forgiveness, contemplating the Signs.

Beginning on this day of the Ascension of Jesus, alayhi salam, let us offer a special retreat, until Friday at sunset. In this retreat, following what Shaykha Amina has prescribed for her community in the days between last Thursday and today Easter, let us remember Allah continuously. This means to be with Allah. To know that we are never separate from Allah. To know that Allah is the hand with which we grasp, the feet with which we walk, the eyes with which we see, ears with which we hear, tongue with which we speak, and the heart with which we know and feel. So we are no longer seeking Allah at a distance. We are remembering that Allah is all that we are. We are always merged in Allah. There is nothing special we have to do apart from accepting that we are not separate from Allah. Receive the reality of Allah entirely into your being. And from this radical opening of your being allow whichever  holy words, song, intonation, feeling or action to arise.

May we be extinguished in the power of Truth and revived in the wonder of Love.

Ya Hu

Please consult with your Circle Guides.


Closer than your own life vein

Salam beloveds,
 The Koranic verse, I am closer to you than your own life vein (50:16) is one that we can contemplate for our retreat into Allah.  Also, the verse in which Allah says to Moses, And i cast love over thee from Me, and so you were raised under My Gaze. (20:39) Allah's Gaze is from within.


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