The Night of Blessing and Forgiveness, Laylatul Barat
Peace to your hearts beloved Dervishes
Tonight is Laylatul Barat, the night of the full moon of Shaban when the intense mercy and forgiveness of the Beloved floods the world and floods our hearts.
This is the third of the three nights of the waxing moon when Muhammad, may he be showered in the peace and loving kindness of his Lord, prayed by himself for the forgiveness of humanity. On the third night his family discovered him in the garden of Medina and he asked them to join him in his supplication. This is the night when the community comes together to offer 100 rekats in spiritual unity with his soul and the souls of all the faithful who are praying for the softening of hearts, the removal of the veils and the conscious return of human beings to their Lord and Lover.
Because of our condition of isolation I had envisioned that we could keep vigil in some part of all three nights by offering a third of the hundred rekats each night on our own. This would relieve us from offering the 100 all in one night individually, which is more challenging than when we are together. But I was caught unaware of the actual time of the month, and curiously so was Shaykha Amina, so that we both received clarity only yesterday early evening that the first two days had already come. What we mutually decided was that we would keep the plan for the three day retreat and begin tonite, Laylatul Barat, with the first of the 33 rekats. From there we will continue for two more nights of salat and prayers of supplication. This will take us through Thursday night. Some of you may have already begun the series of salats and that is good. You may continue to complete the 100 or you may offer more by praying them together with the dervishes who have not already begun.
Inshallah there is benefit in our having overlooked the time. By praying on the two days following the full moon rather than on those preceding it we are inshallah extending the blessings of the full moon.
Allah is the Knower and the Bestower of blessing.
There is an ayat in Koran which fits this time of praying in our homes.
We inspired Moses and his brother with this message: Provide dwellings for your People in Egypt and make your dwellings into kiblas of devotion and turning to Me. And establish salat and give good news to the Faithful.
So let us pray in our homes, establish goodness and offer guidance, joy and consolation to each other.
Blessed Laylatul Barat!
Fariha Fatima Nur