Ali Amir al Muminin

In the Overflowing Compassion and Love of the Beloved Beloveds, Today, the 13th of Rajab is the birth anniversary of Imam Ali, may Allah always increase him in mercy and illuminate his noble countenance. Ali,…

Mevlana’s Counsel

Bismillahirahmanirahim Peace to you hearts beloved Circle Guides and Dervishes, Here is some wisdom from Mevlana that can steady us by pointing to the beautiful true purpose of our lives in the midst of afflictions….


Bismillahirahmanirahim Beloved Circle Guides, Dervishes and Mothers and Fathers, Our beloved Baqi Taslima has asked me to contemplate and respond to some of your objections to a Kurban. She herself has written a letter which…

Happy Birthday Mevlana!

In Allah’s Bountiful Astounding Mercy and Love Beloved Shaykha Amina, Circle Guides, Dervishes, Happy Birthday to Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi and to each of you and to all of his lovers and beloveds. My favorite poem…

Rosh Hashana Tova

Bismillahirahmanirahim Blessings for this New Year, Rosh Hashana Tova! Blessings on all those who were born in this past year and blessings on all those who have left for the realm of Beauty. Blessings on…